W E L C O M E !

W E L C O M E !

We aren’t doctors, we aren’t professionals, we are just normal people who love to help others, have experienced a lot and are here to help and give our 2 cents! What’s life besides lonely if you don't ask for help once in a while!  

Welcome and thanks for stopping by! We are just here to give our opinions and 2 cents on life! I must admit growing up I was the loudest person in the room, I walked in and made it loud and clear I was there and you weren’t going to tell me otherwise. Fast forward some years… now when I speak they listen, when I am there I’m listening, hearing them, not just uhhh huh uhh huh, yep, ya… actually hearing them a little head nod to let them know I’m listening then speak when finished. Crazy how things change! However if you would have told my 16-20 something year old self this I would have rolled my eyes and laughed, but the knowledge you gain and the inner growth you have by stepping back sometimes and watch then act, listen then speak, is incredible. It has definitely allowed me to see a lot more.

We all have that friend, family member, co-worker, etc that we turn too, no matter for what. The good, the bad, the spilled tea, the trials, the tribulations, the victories, etc. Some are blessed to have that vault they can turn too and can get trusted advice, others aren’t, sometimes it takes a complete unbiased stranger to give you the advice or words that you might not necessarily want to hear but need to hear.

Welp, with all that being said let’s say cheers to a hopefully new friendship virtually, and to getting the best out of life everyday. To many more smiles then tears, and many more I love you’s than good byes.

Until next time -
